rosemary woods造句


  1. Rosemary Woods had the 18-minute gap.
  2. Oils from the rosemary wood soak into the shrimp during the brief grilling process.
  3. "Nixon : The CD-ROM " could have used a Rosemary Woods.
  4. If Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher were lucky, his secretary would be Rosemary Woods this week.
  5. He continues to have Rosemary Woods-sized pauses in his memory and uncharacteristic lapses in concentration.
  6. It's difficult to find rosemary woods in a sentence. 用rosemary woods造句挺难的
  7. But unless your name is Richard Nixon and Rosemary Woods is your secretary, the audiotape usually doesn't fib, either.
  8. It was he who discovered that the 18 minutes of erasures were not accidental, as Nixon's secretary Rosemary Woods claimed.
  9. Soon, the girls provide the answer to exactly what was on the missing 18 1 / 2 minutes of Rosemary Woods's tapes.
  10. These legends always seem to get a little vague at the best parts, like the Whitewater testimony or Rosemary Woods'missing White House tape recordings.
  11. He also taught speed reading to members of President Richard M . Nixon's staff, including John Dean, John D . Ehrlichman, Jeb Stuart Magruder, Rosemary Woods and Ronald L . Ziegler.
  12. AN IRISH TAPESTRY AT LINCOLN CENTER OUT OF DOORS . Saturday from 2 to 5 p . m . on the North Plaza, performers include Tommy Makem, Melanie O'Reilly, Len Graham, Rosemary Woods and John Campbell.
  13. It's the one used by Rosemary Woods, President Richard M . Nixon's secretary, that produced the famous 18-minute gap in a recorded presidential conversation about the break-in at what is now the Watergate Hotel.
  14. But that would never stop director Oliver Stone, who in Nixon takes three-plus hours to try to solve the decades-old mystery, " Did Rosemary Woods act alone, or was there a whole convoluted conspiracy behind the erasure of the Nixon tapes ?"
  15. While much of the 3, 700 hours of Nixon recordings have been transcribed and released, there is still the infamous 18 1 / 2-minute gap in the tapes that has come to be known as " Rosemary's boo-boo, " after loyal Nixon secretary Rosemary Woods.
  16. And then there's Dick Cheney, who has achieved a trifecta through his official dealings with Enron, his stewardship of Halliburton during alleged accounting irregularities and his on-camera appearance in a 1997 Andersen promotional video touting the firm's " good advice . " ( It's too late to find a Rosemary Woods who might erase it .)


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